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News and Updates

25.3.2024 PC Minutes.pdf

Parent Council Newsletter March 2024.pdf

20.2.2024 PC Minutes (1).pdf

16.1.24 PC Minutes.pdf

20.2.2024 PC Minutes.pdf

School Handbook 2024 Final.pdf

ROMPS Sway March 2024

World Book Day Letter 2024 .pdf

ROMPS Sway February 2024

Visual Supports 06.02.pdf

Sleep flyer 08.02.pdf

Sensory flyer 13.02.pdf

Dietetics flyer 29.02.pdf

Comm in the EY 15.02.pdf

Anxiety 22.02.pdf

Feb workshop calendar 2024.pdf

On Friday 2nd February, we will have our 2nd ECO Day. Children will learn about climate action and the importance of tackling our carbon footprint. Children can come to school dressed down in green and/or blue.

On week beginning 19th February 2024, the school will be having a Spring Clean. We will be displaying Lost Property and excess donated clothing for anyone to take. The clothing will be available until Friday 23rd February, at 3pm and any remaining items will go to charity, with proceeds going to the school fund. If you have anything you would like to donate, please bring this into the office by Friday 9th February 2024. If anyone has any items which would be suitable for the Primary 7 Ford Castle residential trip, which they would like to donate, please hand this in, also. Please contact the School Office, if you have any queries. Thank you

ROMPS Nov 2023 parent council minutes.pdf

LGS Parent Council Meeting.pdf

Mainstream secondary school transport consultation proposal.pdf

Statutory Consultation Proposal: to alter the qualifying distance for free secondary school mainstream transport to those living over 3 miles from their catchment secondary school. (current entitlement is more than 2 miles). The Council will be conducting a statutory consultation on the proposal to alter the qualifying distance for free secondary school mainstream transport to those living over 3 miles from their catchment secondary school. (current entitlement is more than 2 miles). The proposal will be open to statutory public consultation from Monday 15 January to Friday 1 March 2024. Public meetings will take place during the week of the 29 January 2024. Details on this proposal will be contained in a Consultation Proposal Document, including how to feedback any comments and how to book a place at a public meeting. The proposal document will be available via the following link from 15 January 2024.

ROMPS Sway December 2023

ROMPS 50th Anniversary Sway

On Thursday 30th November, we will be having an ECO Day. The focus for our ECO Day is litter and children will have the opportunity to take part in activities linked to this topic. Children can come to school dressed in green/blue or dress down if they wish.

On Friday 17th November, the Parent Council we will be helping us to run a 'Big Book Swap.' Pupils are asked to bring in a book that they would like to swap with their friend. The aim of the Book Swap is for pupils to learn about new authors and books from each other.

The sample hoodies for our P7 pupils have arrived. P7's will be given the opportunity to try these on over the next week and have been asked to make a note of the size they would like to order, to share with parents at home. The deadline for the hoodie order is 17th November and should be ordered via ParentPay. Thank you.

Christmas Lunch Order

Children in Need 2023 For Children in Need 2023, we at Robert Owen Memorial Primary School will be taking part in 'RunPudsey' and the Pudsey Bearpees Challenge. 'Run Pudsey' is a fun way to get pupils moving and raise money for Children in Need. For this all classes will be taking it in turns to run 1 mile around the school grounds on Friday 17th November 2023. The Pudsey Bearpee Challenge - pupils will take part as a class to collectively complete 1000 Bearpees across appeal week, Tuesday 14th November - Friday 17th November. Using the link and school code below, children can be registered to gain sponsorship and raise money for Children in Need that goes directly to the overall effort of raising money. School Code: 9905 All children will receive a certificate for participating in the challenges. Those children who raise over £10 will receive a medal straight from Pudsey! During appeal week, Tuesday 14th November - Friday 17th November we ask that pupils come to school dressed in sporting clothing suitable for the above activities. On Friday 17th November pupils are invited to wear spots to celebrate this years theme of Spotacular, children are also welcome to wear any Pudsey accessories/items they may have. This will be a great opportunity for our pupils to be active in school and take part in a whole school cause.

ROMPS Sway November 2023

Reminder! Tomorrow is House day and Termtacular! Children can attend in their house colours. Bonnington ? Leechford ? Oakwood ? Glenburnie ??

Room 7 Home Link Oct-Dec 2023.pdf

Room 9a Home Link October- December 2023.pdf

ROMPS Border Biscuit Letter and Order Form 2023.pdf

Border Biscuit Sales Poster.pdf

ROMPS Sway October 2023

50th Anniversary Celebrations 2023 is a very special year as Robert Owen Memorial Primary School opened its doors for the first time, 50 years ago. To celebrate our 50th birthday, we would like to invite you to join in our celebrations, week commencing Monday 4th December 2023. There will be three performances of our ‘Through the Decades’ concert in the afternoon of Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th December 2023 from 1pm-3pm. Due to health and safety reasons, we have put on three performances to allow all of our parents/carers to attend one of these throughout the week. Please note that two tickets, priced at £2 per ticket, will be allocated to each family initially. If you require more than two tickets, please contact the school office and your name will be added to the ticket waiting list. On Friday 8th December 2023, there will be an open morning from 9.30am-11.30am, where parents/carers and members of the local community will be able to visit our photo gallery of ROMPS through the decades. The Parent Council have kindly offered to provide home baking and refreshments for this event. At each concert, there will be a raffle, which will be drawn during our open morning. If you would like to contribute to the raffle, please send the items into the school office, any time after the October break. If you have any photographs or memorabilia that we could borrow for our open morning, could you please make sure that your name is clearly printed on the item that you send into the school, to allow us to ensure that the item is return to you safely. If you prefer your item to be photocopied, we can facilitate that. We hope that you can join us in our celebrations.

Robert Owen Memorial Primary School has been registered for the opportunity to receive £400 worth of music equipment and a subscription to Music-Express. In order to qualify, we need to collect 500 tokens from the Scottish Sun and The Scottish Sun on Sunday (these will be printed daily in the papers between Saturday 23rd of September and Saturday 7th October). It would be much appreciated if you could share this with friends and family to help us achieve this target. Please hand any tokens in to the school office by Friday 13th of October.

All pupils have now received a Beat the Street card and map. These need to be registered at

Lucy's Blue Day.pdf


ROMPS SQIP 31st August 2023.pdf

ROMPS Standards and Quality Report 2022-2023 23.6.2023 final.pdf

At Robert Owen Memorial Primary School, we have 4 houses. These are Bonnington, Glenburnie, Leechford and Oakwood. All houses have great historic significance to Lanark. Each house has its own mascot, motto and song, which the children designed and created themselves. These can be found in the school foyer. At the start of each session, children in Primary 7 are given the opportunity to put themselves forward for the role of House Captain or House Vice-captain. Those interested complete an application form and deliver a speech to persuade their fellow house members to vote for them. After this, all children in each house are given the chance to vote for who they want as their House Captain and Vice-captain. Captains and Vice Captains take on a variety of leadership roles, such as ownership of house activities and monitoring points awarded throughout the year. This session, we videoed each of the P7 applicants delivering their speeches for the rest of the pupils in the school to watch. We are very proud of the 28 P7 pupils who applied for a House and Vice Captain role. The application forms were very detailed and the speeches were delivered to a very high standard! Well done to everyone who applied! On Friday 25th August, all of the children in the school voted for who they wanted as their House and Vice Captain. Mrs Allan revealed the results to P7 applicants and the rest of the school at the whole school assembly. We are delighted to announce below the children elected as Captain and Vice-Captain for each house this year! Bonnington House Captain – Leah Bonnington Vice Captain – Archie Glenburnie House Captain – Paris Glenburnie Vice Captain – Bella Leechford House Captain – Evie Leechford Vice Captain – Jacob Oakwood House Captain – Daniel Oakwood Vice Captain – Grace

IP for Parents Carers.pdf

Parentsportal APP Launch.pdf

Letter for St Andrews Hospice 19.6.23.pdf

Minutes Parent Council AGM 2023.pdf

Parent Council Newsletter May 2023.pdf

Attention all parents and carers with children taking part in the Lanimer Procession: There is a change to the meeting point for Thursday morning and children should now meet on St Leonards Road (towards Woodstock Avenue) and not Hospitland Drive. Thank you.

ROMPS Sway June 2023

ROMPS Sway April 2023

ALJ Information.pdf

Kings Coronation Lunch Menu (A4513211).pdf

World Down Syndrome Day 2023 On Tuesday 21st March 2023, the children and staff at ROMPS will be taking part in the 'Lots of Socks' celebration for World Down Syndrome Day. 'Lots of Socks' is a celebration of what makes us all of us different, yet the same. On 21st March, children and staff are invited to choose some socks that are going to get noticed! They might be mismatched socks or the craziest and most colourful socks you can find - whatever takes your fancy! The idea is to start a conversation so that when people ask about the socks, we can tell them "We are wearing these socks to raise awareness about Down Syndrome." Then, we can tell them everything we know about Down Syndrome. If you have some odd socks lying around at home, we would appreciate any donations of clean, odd socks or even pairs of socks that we can split. This will help us create a bank of odd socks to enable everyone to join in! We look forward to seeing many odd socks on Tuesday 21st March and learning lots more about Down Syndrome.

NEC PP Fusion P7 - Parents Information Letter .pdf

Just Giving - ROMPS Red Nose Day 2023

Red Nose Day is just around the corner and we are joining in with the fun! On Friday 17th March, Red Nose Day is going to be about coming together, spreading joy and having the best day ever in our school! Children are welcome to wear red or dress down for the day. Children will take part in a range of activities in class to raise awareness about Comic Relief and the support that it gives to children and young people across the world. If you would like to contribute to the charity, we ask that you make your donation online to our Just Giving page. The link for this can be found on our school website and by clicking on the link posted on our website. Thank you!

ROMPS Sway March 2023

World Book Day 2023 .pdf

ROMPS PC Minutes 17.01.2023 Zoom.pdf

Our next Parent Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th February, 7:30pm via Zoom. Please contact for the Zoom joining details. All welcome.

ROMPS Sway February 2023

ROMPS Handbook 2022-2023 .pdf

Reminder. Due to Industrial Action, school and ELC will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday 10th January 2023. Both will re-open on Wednesday 11th January 2023 at 9:30am.

ROMPS SWAY December 2022 (2)

School and our ELC will close at 2:30pm today, re-opening on Monday 9th January 2023 at 9:00am. We would like to wish all of our children, parents and carers, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year.

Industrial Action January 2023.pdf

Industrial Action.pdf

Industrial Action by Teacher Trade Unions (JanuaryFebruary 2023).pdf

Thursday 15th December. We are pleased to report that the school is open today as the heating problem has been resolved. Thank you for your understanding.

14th December 2022 Unfortunately, as the heating issues have not been resolved, the school and ELC will be closed today.

Wednesday 14th December. Due to heating issues there will be a delayed start of 10am. Please note, if these issues are not resolved the school may need to close and you will be contacted to take your child/children home. Please keep an eye on our communication for updates. Thank you.

Throughout the month of December, children are welcome to come to school with festive clothing and accessories should they wish to do so. If you have any pre-loved Christmas jumpers or accessories, please feel free to hand them into the office for our Christmas pop up shop. Thank you.

Cost of Living Support for Families - Immediate Help South Lanarkshire Council have Family Wellbeing Advisers to support families with school age children. The Advisers can help in many ways and can provide advice and assistance on – Energy costs, including top up vouchers for those on pre-payment meters. Accessing emergency cash support where you meet the eligibility criteria. Specialist energy advice and advocacy services. Foodbank referrals. Advice re problem debts and arrears. Checking re possible additional benefits you may be entitled to. Contact the Family Wellbeing Advisers for the Clydesdale Area by email –

ROMPS SWAY December 2022

ROMPS Parent Council Gift Sale 2022.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Newsletter November 2022.pdf

Industrial Action 24.11.22.pdf

Room 12 Term 2 Homelink.pdf

ROMPS SWAY November 2022

Devolved School Management Scheme 2022.pdf

ROMPS SWAY October 2022

ROMPS SWAY September 2022

ROMPS Improvement Plan 2022 2023 For Parents.pdf

Our new Parent Council email address is: Please use this email should you wish to get in touch with our Parent Council. Thank you!

ROMPS Standards and Quality Report 2021 - 2022.pdf

At Robert Owen Memorial Primary School, we have 4 houses. These are Bonnington, Glenburnie, Leechford and Oakwood. All houses have great historic significance to Lanark. Each house has its own mascot, motto and song, which the children designed and created themselves. These can be found in the school foyer. At the start of each session, children in Primary 7 are given the opportunity to put themselves forward for the role of House Captain or House Vice-captain. Those interested complete an application form and deliver a speech to persuade their fellow house members to vote for them. After this, all children in each house are given the chance to vote for who they want as their House Captain and Vice-captain. Captains and Vice Captains take on a variety of leadership roles, such as ownership of house activities and monitoring points awarded throughout the year. This session, we videoed each of the P7 applicants delivering their speeches for the rest of the pupils in the school to watch. We are very proud of the 18 P7 pupils who applied for a House and Vice Captain role. The application forms were very detailed and the speeches were delivered to a very high standard! Well done to everyone who applied! On Friday 26th August, all of the children in the school voted for who they wanted as their House and Vice Captain. Mrs Allan revealed the results to P7 applicants and the rest of the school at the whole school assembly. We are delighted to announce below the children elected as Captain and Vice-Captain for each house this year! Bonnington House Captain – Orla Bonnington Vice Captain – Robbie Glenburnie House Captain – Fergus Glenburnie Vice Captain – Jonathan Leechford House Captain – Jenson Leechford Vice Captain – Lucy Oakwood House Captain – Luka Oakwood Vice Captain – Heidi

ROMPS SWAY June 2022

Clean Air Event June 2022 A5 Flyer (148 x 210 mm).pdf

Kooth online Counselling and Mental Health Services for 10–18-year-olds (up to 26 if care experienced) We are delighted to inform you that South Lanarkshire Council Education Resources has commissioned the online wellbeing service ‘Kooth’ - a service delivered by Kooth Digital Health. Kooth is a free digital counselling and emotional wellbeing service for young people, providing children and young people aged 10-18 years (up to 26 if care experienced), with a safe and secure means of accessing support with their emotional health and wellbeing needs, from a professional team of qualified counsellors and emotional wellbeing practitioners. Kooth is a well-established, award winning online counselling service and is accredited by The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Founded in 2001, they are leading pioneers of on-line counselling in the UK, having won a number of prestigious awards. Please see attached for further information about the service. Kooth will be launched across South Lanarkshire on Friday 10 June 2022 and will be holding an online information session for parents/carers on Tuesday 21 June at 6.30-7.30pm. Please book using the following link:

ROMPS RA - Reducing Covid Risks in School May 22 .pdf

Parent Council Newletter June 2022 (1).pdf

ROMPS SWAY June 2022

ROMSP SWAY June 2022

ROMPS Parent Council Book Sale.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council SIlent Disco.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council are organising a book sale and would be grateful for donations of any used books. These can be handed into the school office anytime. Thank you.

We are so proud and delighted to announce that we have been awarded our Silver Reading Schools accreditation! Thank you to our Reading Leadership Group who have continued to develop a culture of reading for enjoyment in our school.

March 2022 Parent Council Minutes.pdf

Parent Council AGM Agenda 17 May 2022.pdf

Education Privacy Notice – Update May 2022

A message from ALJ - Uniform Suppliers An update on the procedure for purchasing uniforms for Back to School in August 2022. As stock and transportation are still a big issue with all products (not just clothing) we would encourage you to come in early to avoid disappointment. We will be opening ?APPOINTMENTS for the following days : P1 Fittings - 15 minutes Monday 16th May to Wednesday 8th June Monday to Friday 10am-5pm Saturday 10am - 4pm The Blazer Fitting Appointments - 10 minutes ? Monday 16th May to 30th June Monday to Friday 10am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 4pm We are THE official stockists of blazers for Biggar High, Carluke High, Lanark Grammar & now official stockist for Lesmahagow High APPOINTMENTS GO LIVE MONDAY 9TH MAY VIA THE LINK ON OUR WEBPAGE (see below) You will still be able to come to the shop for the uniform without an appointment, but as appointments will be taking place, you may have to wait. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you.


A reminder that the school and ELC will be closed on Monday 2nd May for the May Bank Holiday. We will re-open on Tuesday 3rd May at 9:00am. Children should not attend on Thursday 5th May as this is an Inservice Day. We will be open on Friday 6th May as normal. Thank you.

Movie night flyer May 2022.pdf

We are excited to share that movie night will be returning... If your child would like to attend the movie night, please return their permission slip and payment by Friday 6th May. EV5 forms will follow after this. We would welcome parent volunteers at the movie night. If you hold a PVG check through SLC Education Services and would be willing to volunteer, please email

ROMPS parent council propose to add to their constitution, for session 2022-2023, a minimum quorum for meetings. The suggested quorum for meetings will be a minimum of 5 elected members (for binding decisions to be made) and for an AGM the minimum quorum will be 10 elected members. If you have an alternative proposal to this addition, please email by Tuesday 10 May.

ROMPS SWAY April 2022

? Reminder! ? School and our ELC will close at 2:30pm for the Spring Break. We will re-open at 9:00am on Tuesday 19th April 2022. Have a lovely holiday!

House Day Three will take place on Thursday 31st March, remember to dress in House colours to earn points for your house! Yellow - Leechford Blue - Bonnington Red - Glenburnie Green - Oakwood

Parent Council Agenda 24 March 2022.pdf

Parent Council Minutes February 2022.pdf

talking-to-children-about-war Barnardos.pdf

Refuweegee Donations.pdf

Parents' Evening will take place on Wednesday 23rd March. We will continue to use the School Cloud online appointment booking system. Appointments can be made from 4pm on Monday 7th March and will close on Wednesday 23rd March at 1pm. For more information, please see the letter issued to your child today. Thank you.

SWAY March 2022

Way to Celebrate World Book Day at Home

World Book Day 2022 .pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Minutes January 2022.pdf

Parent Council Newsletter January 2022.pdf

ROMPS Sway February 2022

ROMPS Risk Assessment - COVID-19 Reducing the Risk in Schools General January 2022.pdf

January Sway

ROMPS nov 2021 minutes .pdf

Please note that the even although we do not appear on South Lanarkshire Council's social media as having a 10am start, this decision has been taken by Mrs Thomson who will contact the council as soon as she is in a safe position to do so. Thank you.

Due to the snow we will be operating a 10:00am start this morning. We will keep you updated with any further developments. Thank you.

South Lanarkshire Council Infant Enrolment Week

Infant Enrolment Week Infant Enrolment Week for children due to start Primary 1 in August 2022, will take place week beginning Monday 17th January until Friday 21st January. Parents once again will be asked to register their child using the online registration form. This form will be live week commencing Monday 10th January 2022. In order to register your child, you will need your child's full birth certificate and two proofs of residency dated within the last 6 months. Mrs Thomson (Head Teacher) or Miss McAllister (Depute Head Teacher) will contact you after the registration has been made to complete the registration process and answer any questions you may have. Thank you.

ROMPS Sway December 2021

Car Park: Reminder: Following several complaints about the use of the car park, I would like to remind you that the car park is for staff parking. Only staff vehicles and vehicles contracted by South Lanarkshire Council to transport pupils to school will be permitted to enter. If you have a Blue badge, please display it clearly and you will be allowed to access the disabled bays. This applies from 8.30am until 9.30am and from 2:00pm until 3.30pm. We appreciate your continued support with this to ensure the safety of our pupils and staff. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Mrs Thomson

Christmas Jumper and Party Clothing.pdf

ParentGuide to School Cloud .pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Minutes October 2021.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Minutes October 2021.pdf

Parent Council Meeting Agenda 11 November 2021.pdf

Parent Council Meeting Agenda 11 November 2021.pdf

ROMPS Sway November 2021

Room 1 Homelink Oct - Dec 2021.pdf

September 2201 Parent Council Minutes.pdf

Blue and Yellow Modern School Admissions Flyer.pdf

Lucy's Blue Day.pdf

Parent Council Agenda 6 October 2021.pdf

ROMPS Newsletter October 2021.pdf

Halloween at ROMPS.pdf

Parent Council Newsletter September 2021.pdf

SLC Winter Clothing and Sportwear Campaign 2021.pdf

Creative Briefs Deisign Competition P4-7.pdf

Letter to Parents and Carers from Jason Leitch National Clinical Director - 16 September 2021.pdf


ELC Newsletter Sept 2021.pdf

ROMPS Newsletter September 2021.pdf

NHSL Letter for Schools - August 2021 - COVID-19.pdf

Robert Owen Memorial Primary School Standards and Quality Report June 2021.pdf

ROMPS Risk Assessment Ed Res_Cov19_Reducing the Risk in Schools_General RA 5 Aug 21.pdf

Scottish Parent Academy 2021.Flyer.pdf

Return to School Procedural Notes August 2021.pdf

Letter For the New Term ELC- August 2021 - NHSL - v2 (004)jh.pdf

Letter For the New Term - Schools - August 2021 - NHSL - v3 ML final.pdf

Parent Council Newsletter June 2021.pdf

Reminder! Our School and ELC will close tomorrow at 1pm for the summer holidays.

ROMPS ELC Graduation 2021

**Parents and Carers of children in our ELC** Our telephone lines are not working at the moment. If you need to contact us, please telephone the main school office on 01555 662486 and they will pass a message on. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

ROMPS Parent Council Treasurer's Report 2020-2021.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council AGM May 2021.pdf

Chairperson's Report AGM 2020-2021.pdf

Reminder! Our school and ELC are closed tomorrow, Thursday 10th June and Friday 11th June. Both will re-open on Monday 14th June at 9am. #HappyNonLanimers ??

School Transport

Reminder: Our World of Work Day will take place on Tuesday 8th June. If you wish to participate in this event, please send all videos to Miss Munro by Monday 31st May at Thank you for your continued support.

ROMPS Parent Council AGM Agenda18.05.21.pdf

If you have requested to follow our Twitter  page and you  have not yet been approved, it may be because we don't recognised you by your username. Please contact the school office with your details and we can add you to our group of followers. Thank you!

**Reminder!** Tomorrow, Thursday 6th May, is an In-service Day and both the school and ELC will be closed. Normal service will resume on Friday 7th May. Thank you!

ROMPS Parent Council Constitution May 2021.pdf

Robert Owen Memorial Primary Parent Council made a temporary change to their constitution to increase the membership from 25 to 35 for session 2020-2021. Ahead of the AGM, we would like to propose the return to the membership number of 25. All parents continue to be most welcome at all our meetings and to volunteer at our events but this membership is required for voting purposes for committee members. Agendas and minutes of our meetings are available on all school communication platforms. If any parent/carer has an alternative proposal to this change they should email by 1 May. Our updated constitution will be available on the school website after the AGM.

Covid Enquiry Speech and Language Therapy Contact - NHS Lanarkshire.pdf

We are pleased to inform you that Breakfast Club will start back on Monday 19th April at 08:15am. The children will not be able to enter the School building before 08:15am so please do not come before then. Please ensure that children attending line up outside the Main Entrance and keep 2 metres apart. Have a wonderful Spring Break

Nursery Summer Meals Menu 2021

ROMPS Parent Council Minutes March 2021.pdf

School Meals Summer 2021

SLC Key Workers Spring Break 2021

We will be having an Eco Day on Friday 26th March. The focus will be on energy and children can come to school dressed down in green or blue. ? ??

Parent Council Privacy Statement.pdf

The Parent Council AGM will take place on Tuesday 18th May, 7.30pm via Zoom. If you wish to join us, please email for the Zoom details. Thank you.

House Day Three will take place on Wednesday 31st March. Our P7 Captains would like our pupils and teachers to dress up in as many items of clothing as they can in their House colour or dress down! We hope you are looking forward to House Day Three!

ROMPS Parent Council March 2021 Meeting Agenda.pdf

This is an invite relating to an event that Glasgow City Parents Group has organised with Paul Downie about West Partnership Onl

We are delighted to announce that the new South Lanarkshire Council  Early Learning and Childcare Facebook page is now live! Please search South Lanarkshire Early Learning and Childcare and remember to like and follow the page if you wish  to keep up to date with posts and information. Thank you. 

ROMPS Parent Council Minutes February 2021.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Rate It Challenge March 2021.pdf

Parent Council Newsletter March 2021.pdf

Supporting your Child with Learning from Home.pdf

P7 Parents Letter - NEC Card – ParentPay – Fusion App.pdf

ROMPS Risk Assessmemnt - Covid-19 Exposure – Reducing the Risks in Schools - February 2021.pdf

World Book Day 2021.pdf

Lateral Flow Testing Programme.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Meeting February 2021 Agenda.pdf

Parent Council Minutes November 2020.pdf

Parent Council Minutes November 2020.pdf

Enrolling Your Child For School - August 2021

Postponed World of Work Letter .pdf

Lockdown Communication January 2021.pdf

Letter from Tony McDaid.pdf

Newsletter December 2020.pdf

Letter from Tony McDaid, Director of Education.pdf

The meeting dates for the start of 2021 are as follows: Tuesday 19th January Tuesday 16th February Tuesday 16th March As normal, there will be no meeting in April. The AGM date for 2020-2021 will be confirmed nearer the time. Wishing you and your family a safe and happy Christmas. Thanks for all your support to date.

SLC Winter Clothing Campaign.pdf

House Day Two will take place on Monday 21st December. Our P7 Captains would like our pupils and teachers to dress in as many items of festive clothing as they can in their House colour! We hope you are looking forward to House Day Two!

*Parents & Carers in our Nursery* Due to staffing, our nursery will have to close today. If you have already sent your child, please arrange for them to be collected as soon as possible. Nursery will re-open as normal on Monday. The school will remain open as normal today.

ROMPS Parent Council December Challenge - Craft It.pdf

Nursery Christmas Lunch Google Form

Christmas Lunch Google Form

Christmas Letter December 2020.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Constitution November 2020.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council November Agenda.pdf

ROMPS Newsletter November 2020.pdf

Scottish Child Payment.pdf

Parent Council Minutes 22nd October 2020.pdf

Implementation of Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Act 2019.pdf

A Message From Our Parent Council.pdf

School Holiday Dates for Sessions 2021-2022.pdf

The Importance of Toothbrushing at Home.pdf

Border Biscuit Information.pdf

Playground Update -9.10.2020.pdf

Engine Idling.pdf

Annual School and ELC Calendar

Team Up Calendar for Parents and Carers

Early Learning and Childcare Newsletters

ROMPS SWAY June 2022

Parent Council

25.3.2024 PC Minutes.pdf

Parent Council Newsletter March 2024.pdf

20.2.2024 PC Minutes (1).pdf

16.1.24 PC Minutes.pdf

20.2.2024 PC Minutes.pdf

ROMPS Nov 2023 parent council minutes.pdf

Minutes 9.10.2023 (1).pdf

Minutes Parent Council AGM 2023.pdf

13.3.2023 Minutes ROMPS PC.pdf

Minutes 7.2.2023 .pdf

Agenda - Mar 13 2023.pdf

Minutes November 22 ROMPS PC .pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Gift Sale 2022.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Newsletter November 2022.pdf

romps oct pc minutes.pdf

Our new Parent Council email address is: Please use this email should you wish to get in touch with our Parent Council. Thank you!

Parent Council Newletter June 2022 (1).pdf

AGM May 2022 minutes.pdf

Chair report edited.pdf

Treasurers report overview.pdf

ROMPS PC constitution for 2022-2023.pdf

March 2022 Parent Council Minutes.pdf

Parent Council AGM Agenda 17 May 2022.pdf

Movie night flyer May 2022.pdf

We are excited to share that movie night will be returning... If your child would like to attend the movie night, please return their permission slip and payment by Friday 6th May. EV5 forms will follow after this. We would welcome parent volunteers at the movie night. If you hold a PVG check through SLC Education Services and would be willing to volunteer, please email

ROMPS parent council propose to add to their constitution, for session 2022-2023, a minimum quorum for meetings. The suggested quorum for meetings will be a minimum of 5 elected members (for binding decisions to be made) and for an AGM the minimum quorum will be 10 elected members. If you have an alternative proposal to this addition, please email by Tuesday 10 May.

Parent Council Agenda 24 March 2022.pdf

Parent Council Minutes February 2022.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Minutes January 2022.pdf

Parent Council Newsletter January 2022.pdf

ROMPS nov 2021 minutes .pdf

September 2201 Parent Council Minutes.pdf

Parent Council Agenda 6 October 2021.pdf

Parent Council Newsletter September 2021.pdf

Parent Council Agenda 7 September 2021.pdf

Parent Council Newsletter June 2021.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Treasurer's Report 2020-2021.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council AGM May 2021.pdf

Chairperson's Report AGM 2020-2021.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council AGM Agenda18.05.21.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Constitution May 2021.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Minutes March 2021.pdf

Parent Council Privacy Statement.pdf

The Parent Council AGM will take place on Tuesday 18th May, 7.30pm via Zoom. If you wish to join us, please email for the Zoom details. Thank you.

ROMPS Parent Council March 2021 Meeting Agenda.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Minutes February 2021.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Rate It Challenge March 2021.pdf

Parent Council Newsletter March 2021.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Meeting February 2021 Agenda.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council December Challenge - Craft It.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council Constitution November 2020.pdf

ROMPS Parent Council November Agenda.pdf

Parent Council Minutes 22nd October 2020.pdf

A Message From Our Parent Council.pdf

ROMPS border biscuit letter and order form 2020.pdf

Border Biscuit Information.pdf

Parent Council Meeting Agenda 22.10.20.pdf

Parent Council Newsletter October 2020.pdf

Parent Council Treasurer's Report 2019-2020.pdf

Parent Council AGM Minutes 25.9.20.pdf

Parent Council Chairperson's Report AGM 2019-2020.pdf


There are 4 houses set up in school. These are Bonnington, Glenburnie, Leechford and Oakwood. All houses have great historic significance to Lanark. Each house has its own mascot, motto and song, which the children designed and created themselves. These can be found on each of the House pages. At the start of each session, children in Primary 7 are given the opportunity to put themselves forward for the role of House Captain or House Vice-captain. Those interested complete an application form and deliver a speech to persuade their fellow house members to vote for them. After this, all children in each house are given the chance to vote for who they wanted as their House Captain and Vice-captain. Captains and Vice Captains take ownership of house activities and monitor points awarded throughout the year. This session, we decided to continue to video each of the P7 applicants delivering their speeches for the rest of the pupils in the school to watch, after very positive feedback last session. We are very proud of the 26 P7 pupils who applied for a House Captain role. The application forms were very detailed and the speeches were delivered to a very high standard! Well done to everyone who applied! We are delighted to announce below the children elected as Captain and Vice-Captain for each house this year! Bonnington House Captain – Freya Bonnington Vice Captain – Archie Glenburnie House Captain – Ethan Glenburnie Vice Captain – Kyle Leechford House Captain – Emily Leechford Vice Captain – Tyler Oakwood House Captain – Lucy Oakwood Vice Captain – Evie

At Robert Owen Memorial Primary School, we have 4 houses. These are Bonnington, Glenburnie, Leechford and Oakwood. All houses have great historic significance to Lanark. Each house has its own mascot, motto and song, which the children designed and created themselves. These can be found in the school foyer. At the start of each session, children in Primary 7 are given the opportunity to put themselves forward for the role of House Captain or House Vice-captain. Those interested complete an application form and deliver a speech to persuade their fellow house members to vote for them. After this, all children in each house are given the chance to vote for who they want as their House Captain and Vice-captain. Captains and Vice Captains take on a variety of leadership roles, such as ownership of house activities and monitoring points awarded throughout the year. This session, we videoed each of the P7 applicants delivering their speeches for the rest of the pupils in the school to watch. We are very proud of the 28 P7 pupils who applied for a House and Vice Captain role. The application forms were very detailed and the speeches were delivered to a very high standard! Well done to everyone who applied! On Friday 25th August, all of the children in the school voted for who they wanted as their House and Vice Captain. Mrs Allan revealed the results to P7 applicants and the rest of the school at the whole school assembly. We are delighted to announce below the children elected as Captain and Vice-Captain for each house this year! Bonnington House Captain – Leah Bonnington Vice Captain – Archie Glenburnie House Captain – Paris Glenburnie Vice Captain – Bella Leechford House Captain – Evie Leechford Vice Captain – Jacob Oakwood House Captain – Daniel Oakwood Vice Captain – Grace

At Robert Owen Memorial Primary School, we have 4 houses. These are Bonnington, Glenburnie, Leechford and Oakwood. All houses have great historic significance to Lanark. Each house has its own mascot, motto and song, which the children designed and created themselves. These can be found in the school foyer. At the start of each session, children in Primary 7 are given the opportunity to put themselves forward for the role of House Captain or House Vice-captain. Those interested complete an application form and deliver a speech to persuade their fellow house members to vote for them. After this, all children in each house are given the chance to vote for who they want as their House Captain and Vice-captain. Captains and Vice Captains take on a variety of leadership roles, such as ownership of house activities and monitoring points awarded throughout the year. This session, we videoed each of the P7 applicants delivering their speeches for the rest of the pupils in the school to watch. We are very proud of the 18 P7 pupils who applied for a House and Vice Captain role. The application forms were very detailed and the speeches were delivered to a very high standard! Well done to everyone who applied! On Friday 26th August, all of the children in the school voted for who they wanted as their House and Vice Captain. Mrs Allan revealed the results to P7 applicants and the rest of the school at the whole school assembly. We are delighted to announce below the children elected as Captain and Vice-Captain for each house this year! Bonnington House Captain – Orla Bonnington Vice Captain – Robbie Glenburnie House Captain – Fergus Glenburnie Vice Captain – Jonathan Leechford House Captain – Jenson Leechford Vice Captain – Lucy Oakwood House Captain – Luka Oakwood Vice Captain – Heidi

Team Bonnington Mohawks.pdf

P7 Transition 2021/2022

Transition to Lanark Grammar School

P7 Parents Letter - NEC Card – ParentPay – Fusion App.pdf

P1 Transition 2021/2022 - Meet Our New P1 Children

Meet Luke

Meet Renée

Meet Our New P1 Children From ROMPS ELC