Welcome to our Website!

Welcome to our brand new ROMPS website! Please bear with us whilst we update the website with all of our news and information. Thank you!


12-08-2024 11:45: Nursery Lunch Menu

Start Time: 12-08-2024 11:45

End Time: 12-08-2024 12:15

Additional Info: Blue Meal: Savoury Mince and Mashed Potatoes with Broccoli. Red Meal: Macaroni Cheese with Broccoli (V). Green Meal: Salmon Wrap with Cucumber Batons. Included in all meals: Fresh Fruit Selection, Chicken Noodle Soup**, Side Salad. (V) Vegetarian *Sandwiches with Tuna Mayo or Cheese (V) are available daily ** Breadsticks will be available to replace chicken noodle soup for Vegetarian diets

13-08-2024 11:45: Nursery Lunch Menu

Start Time: 13-08-2024 11:45

End Time: 13-08-2024 12:15

Additional Info: Blue Meal: Cheese and Tomato Pizza with Wedges and Sweetcorn (V). Red Meal: Chicken Meatballs in Tomato Sauce with Spaghetti. Green Meal: Cheese Roll with Sweetcorn (V). Included in all meals: Fresh Fruit Selection, Jelly, Side Salad. (V) Vegetarian *Sandwiches with Tuna Mayo or Cheese (V) are available daily

14-08-2024 11:45: Nursery Lunch Menu

Start Time: 14-08-2024 11:45

End Time: 14-08-2024 12:15

Additional Info: Blue Meal: Sausage in Beans with Wedges. Red Meal: Cheese Toastie with Beans (V). Green Meal: Ham Sandwich with Mixed Pepper Batons. Included in all meals: Fresh Fruit Selection, Vegetable Soup, Side Salad. (V) Vegetarian *Sandwiches with Tuna Mayo or Cheese (V) are available daily

14-08-2024 12:15: Lunch Menu

Start Time: 14-08-2024 12:15

End Time: 14-08-2024 13:00

Additional Info: Blue Meal: Sausage in a Finger Roll with Tomato Sauce, Wedges and Beans. Red Meal: Cheese Toastie with Beans (V). Green Meal*: Ham Baguette with Mixed Pepper Batons. Included with all meals: Fresh Fruit Selection, Vegetable Soup with Crusty Bread, Side Salad. (V) Suitable for a vegetarian diet *Sandwiches with tuna mayo or cheese (V) are available daily

15-08-2024 11:45: Nursery Lunch Menu

Start Time: 15-08-2024 11:45

End Time: 15-08-2024 12:15

Additional Info: Blue Meal: Chicken Curry with Rice and Carrots. Red Meal: Arrabbiata Pasta with Carrots (V). Green Meal: Turkey Roll with Cucumber Batons. Included in all meals: Fresh Fruit Selection, Chocolate Cookie, Side Salad. (V) Vegetarian *Sandwiches with Tuna Mayo or Cheese (V) are available daily


Inspection of Robert Owen Primary School and Nursery Class

Dear Parents and Carers,
Inspection of Robert Owen Primary School and Nursery Class
South Lanarkshire Council
Further to their visit in April, a letter prepared by HM Inspectors following the inspection of our school, and The Summarised Inspection Findings (SIF) will be released to the media on 11 June 2024 and will be accessible online for parents and carers and other interested members of the public. 
Yours sincerely,

Paula Ross

Mrs Paula Ross
Head Teacher


Sports Day

Please find information regarding this years Sports Day. 

Thank you

Sports Day Letter Parents FINAL copy.pdf

Transport Consultation

The timing of the General Election means that the June Executive Committee now falls within the pre-election period, which is the period between the formal announcement of the election and polling day. Given the interest in the secondary school transport consultation, and the high level of public engagement there has been, it is now intended that the Executive Committee will consider this proposal on 7th August rather than the 26th of June as previously stated.
In the meantime, the Consultation Outcome report has been published and is now available to view by accessing the following link:
Secondary school transport - consultation - South Lanarkshire Council.  


Online Safety

Please find some information regarding Online Safety.

Online Safety.pdf


Dear Parents and Carers,

This term, there will be no specific fundraising happening for the nursery.

If fundraising takes place at any time, parents and carers will be notified through the appropriate communication channels for the nursery and the information will be communicated on headed notepaper.

Thank you.


Ford Castle - all arrived safely

Hi Parents of P7 children

Everyone has arrived safe and sound, and are enjoying their activities for today. Please keep an eye on X for any updates.




Lost School Jacket

A child has lost his Robert Owen jacket. His name is on the inside. 

Please check your child's jacket, to ensure they have the correct one.

Thank you


P7 Ford Castle - Final Information

The residential trip has arrived and we are looking forward to the pupils heading to Ford Castle tomorrow and hope everyone is as excited as we are.

Can we remind you to provide a packed lunch for your child, to be eaten on arrival at Ford Castle. Please make sure that no other snacks or drinks should be given to your child as we do have several children with allergies.

In addition, all medication must be held by the school staff and appropriate paperwork completed - pupils must not have any undeclared medication.

All staff will be in regular communication with the school and will have mobile phones therefore no pupil is to take their own. Mobile phones found will be held by staff until they return to the school. If you need to contact your child, please contact the school office during school time and a message will be passed on, out with school hours can you please email Mr Dickson on gw13dicksonfraser@glow.sch.uk and he will get back to you when available. 

Please make sure that your child arrives at school tomorrow for 9a.m, and they arrive with their luggage, pillow and sleeping bag/duvet.

If you have any questions please get in touch.


Should I keep my child off school?

Please find updated information from Public Health Scotland

Should I keep my child off school.pdf

Missing Jacket

Dear Parent/Carer

A child aged 5-6 has lost a black Nike jacket. Can parents please check their child has come home with the correct jacket?

A polite reminder, can all parents ensure children's items have names on them. This way we can ensure items are returned if lost.

Thank you for your co-operation
